A mixin that allows an object to create AudioNodes and connect them together. Depends on audioContext being available on the consuming object.

Property Summary

Public Properties

An array of Connection instances. Determines which AudioNode instances are connected to one-another and the order in which they are connected. Starts as null but set to an array on init via the _initConnections method.

Method Summary

Public Methods

returns a connection from the connections array by it's name


returns a connection's AudioNode from the connections array by the connection's name.


Find's a connection in the connections array by it's name and removes it.

update(key, value)

Updates an AudioNode's property in real time by setting the property on the connectable object (which affects the next play) and also sets it on it's corresponding connection.node (which affects the audio in real time).

Protected Methods

Initializes default connections on Sound instantiation. Runs on('init').


Gets the array of Connection instances from the connections array and returns the same array, having created any AudioNode instances that needed to be created, and having connected the AudioNode instances to one another in the order in which they were present in the connections array.

Private Methods
_createNode(connection): Connection

Creates an AudioNode instance for a Connection instance and sets it on it's node property. Unless the Connection instance's createdOnPlay property is true, does nothing if the AudioNode instance has already been created.


Gets a Connection instance's onPlaySetAttrsOnNode and sets them on it's node.


Observes the connections array and runs wireConnections each time it changes.

_wireConnection(connection, idx, connections): Connection

Meant to be passed to a Array.prototype.map function. Connects a Connection instance's node to the next Connection instance's node.

Public Properties

An array of Connection instances. Determines which AudioNode instances are connected to one-another and the order in which they are connected. Starts as null but set to an array on init via the _initConnections method.

Public Methods


public getConnection(name): Connection

returns a connection from the connections array by it's name


Name Type Attribute Description
name String

The name of the AudioNode that should be returned.



The requested Connection.


public getNodeFrom(name): AudioNode

returns a connection's AudioNode from the connections array by the connection's name.


Name Type Attribute Description
name String

The name of the AudioNode that should be returned.



The requested AudioNode.


public removeConnection(name)

Find's a connection in the connections array by it's name and removes it.


Name Type Attribute Description
name String

The name of the connection that should be removed.


public update(key, value)

Updates an AudioNode's property in real time by setting the property on the connectable object (which affects the next play) and also sets it on it's corresponding connection.node (which affects the audio in real time).

If a connection is pulling a property from a connectable object via onPlaySetAttrsOnNode[index].relativePath, this method will update that property directly on the Connection's node as well as on the connectable object.

Important to note that this only works for properties that are set directly on a connectable object and then proxied/set on a node via onPlaySetAttrsOnNode.


Name Type Attribute Description
key String

The name/path to a property on an Oscillator instance that should be updated.

value String

The value that the property should be set to.


// With set
const osc = audioService.createOscillator({ frequency: 440 });
osc.play(); // playing at 440Hz
osc.set('frequency', 1000); // still playing at 440Hz
osc.play(); // now playing at 1000Hz
// With update
const osc = audioService.createOscillator({ frequency: 440 });
osc.play(); // playing at 440Hz
osc.update('frequency', 1000); // playing at 1000Hz

Protected Methods


protected _initConnections( )

Initializes default connections on Sound instantiation. Runs on('init').


protected wireConnections( ): Array | Connection

Gets the array of Connection instances from the connections array and returns the same array, having created any AudioNode instances that needed to be created, and having connected the AudioNode instances to one another in the order in which they were present in the connections array.


Array | Connection

Array of Connection instances collected from the connections array, created, connected, and ready to play.

Private Methods


private _createNode(connection): Connection

Creates an AudioNode instance for a Connection instance and sets it on it's node property. Unless the Connection instance's createdOnPlay property is true, does nothing if the AudioNode instance has already been created.

Also sets any properties from a connection's onPlaySetAttrsOnNode array on the node.


Name Type Attribute Description
connection Connection

A Connection instance that should have it's node created (if needed).



The input Connection instance after having it's node created.


private _setAttrsOnNode(connection): Connection

Gets a Connection instance's onPlaySetAttrsOnNode and sets them on it's node.


Name Type Attribute Description
connection Connection

The Connection instance that needs it's node's attrs set.



The input Connection instance after having it's nodes attrs set.


private _watchConnectionChanges( )

Observes the connections array and runs wireConnections each time it changes.


private _wireConnection(connection, idx, connections): Connection

Meant to be passed to a Array.prototype.map function. Connects a Connection instance's node to the next Connection instance's node.


Name Type Attribute Description
connection Connection

The current Connection instance in the iteration.

idx Number

The index of the current iteration.

connections Array | Connection

The original array of connections.



The input Connection instance after having it's node connected to the next Connection instance's node.