
import Ember from 'ember';
import { Connection } from 'ember-audio';

 * Provides classes that are capable of interacting with the Web Audio API's
 * AudioContext.
 * @public
 * @module Audio

const {
} = Ember;

 * A mixin that allows an object to create AudioNodes and connect them together.
 * Depends on `audioContext` being available on the consuming object.
 * @public
 * @class Connectable
 * @todo figure out how to augment Ember.MutableArray so that the connections
 * array can have methods like addConnection, removeConnection, addFilter, disableNode
export default Mixin.create({
   * An array of Connection instances. Determines which AudioNode instances are
   * connected to one-another and the order in which they are connected. Starts
   * as `null` but set to an array on `init` via the
   * {{#crossLink "Connectable/_initConnections:method"}}{{/crossLink}} method.
   * @public
   * @property connections
   * @type {Ember.MutableArray}
  connections: null,

   * returns a connection's AudioNode from the connections array by the
   * connection's `name`.
   * @public
   * @method getNodeFrom
   * @param {string} name The name of the AudioNode that should be returned.
   * @return {AudioNode} The requested AudioNode.
  getNodeFrom(name) {
    const connection = this.getConnection(name);

    if (connection) {
      return get(connection, 'node');

   * returns a connection from the connections array by it's name
   * @public
   * @method getConnection
   * @param {string} name The name of the AudioNode that should be returned.
   * @return {Connection} The requested Connection.
  getConnection(name) {
    return this.get('connections').findBy('name', name);

   * Find's a connection in the connections array by it's `name` and removes it.
   * @param {string} name The name of the connection that should be removed.
   * @public
   * @method removeConnection
  removeConnection(name) {

   * Updates an AudioNode's property in real time by setting the property on the
   * connectable object (which affects the next play) and also sets it on it's
   * corresponding `connection.node` (which affects the audio in real time).
   * If a connection is pulling a property from a connectable object via
   * `onPlaySetAttrsOnNode[index].relativePath`, this method will update that
   * property directly on the Connection's `node` as well as on the connectable
   * object.
   * Important to note that this only works for properties that are set directly
   * on a connectable object and then proxied/set on a node via
   * `onPlaySetAttrsOnNode`.
   * @example
   *     // With `set`
   *     const osc = audioService.createOscillator({ frequency: 440 });
   *; // playing at 440Hz
   *     osc.set('frequency', 1000); // still playing at 440Hz
   *     osc.stop();
   *; // now playing at 1000Hz
   * @example
   *     // With `update`
   *     const osc = audioService.createOscillator({ frequency: 440 });
   *; // playing at 440Hz
   *     osc.update('frequency', 1000); // playing at 1000Hz
   * @public
   * @method update
   * @param key {string} The name/path to a property on an Oscillator instance
   * that should be updated.
   * @param value {string} The value that the property should be set to.
  update(key, value) {
    this.get('connections').map((connection) => {
      connection.get('onPlaySetAttrsOnNode').map((attr) => {
        const path = get(attr, 'relativePath');

        if (key === path) {
          const pathChunks = path.split('.');
          connection.get('node')[pathChunks.pop()].value = value;

    this.set(key, value);

   * Initializes default connections on Sound instantiation. Runs `on('init')`.
   * @protected
   * @method _initConnections
  _initConnections: on('init', function() {
    const bufferSource = Connection.create({
      name: 'audioSource',
      createdOnPlay: true,
      source: 'audioContext',
      createCommand: 'createBufferSource',
      onPlaySetAttrsOnNode: [
          attrNameOnNode: 'buffer',
          relativePath: 'audioBuffer'

    const gain = Connection.create({
      name: 'gain',
      source: 'audioContext',
      createCommand: 'createGain'

    const panner = Connection.create({
      name: 'panner',
      source: 'audioContext',
      createCommand: 'createStereoPanner'

    const destination = Connection.create({
      name: 'destination',
      path: 'audioContext.destination'

    this.set('connections', A([ bufferSource, gain, panner, destination ]));

  * Note about _watchConnectionChanges:
  * Yeah yeah yeah.. observers are bad. Making the connections array a computed
  * property doesn't work very well because complete control over when it
  * recalculates is needed.

   * Observes the connections array and runs wireConnections each time it
   * changes.
   * @private
   * @method _watchConnectionChanges
  _watchConnectionChanges: observer('connections.[]', function() {

   * Gets the array of Connection instances from the connections array and
   * returns the same array, having created any AudioNode instances that needed
   * to be created, and having connected the AudioNode instances to one another
   * in the order in which they were present in the connections array.
   * @protected
   * @method wireConnections
   * @return {array|Connection} Array of Connection instances collected from the
   * connections array, created, connected, and ready to play.
  wireConnections() {
    const createNode = this._createNode.bind(this);
    const setAttrsOnNode = this._setAttrsOnNode.bind(this);
    const wireConnection = this._wireConnection;
    const connections = this.get('connections');;

   * Creates an AudioNode instance for a Connection instance and sets it on it's
   * `node` property. Unless the Connection instance's `createdOnPlay` property
   * is true, does nothing if the AudioNode instance has already been created.
   * Also sets any properties from a connection's `onPlaySetAttrsOnNode` array
   * on the node.
   * @private
   * @method _createNode
   * @param {Connection} connection A Connection instance that should have it's
   * node created (if needed).
   * @return {Connection} The input Connection instance after having it's node
   * created.
  _createNode(connection) {
    const { path, name, createdOnPlay, source, createCommand, node } = connection;

    if (node && !createdOnPlay) {
      // The node is already created and doesn't need to be created again
      return connection;
    } else if (path) {
      connection.node = this.get(path);
    } else if (createCommand && source) {
      connection.node = this.get(source)[createCommand]();
    } else if (!connection.node) {
      console.error('ember-audio:', `The ${name} connection is not configured correctly. Please fix this connection.`);

    return connection;

   * Gets a Connection instance's `onPlaySetAttrsOnNode` and sets them on it's
   * node.
   * @private
   * @method _setAttrsOnNode
   * @param {Connection} connection The Connection instance that needs it's
   * node's attrs set.
   * @return {Connection} The input Connection instance after having it's nodes
   * attrs set.
  _setAttrsOnNode(connection) {
    const currentTime = this.get('audioContext.currentTime');

    connection.get('onPlaySetAttrsOnNode').map((attr) => {
      const { attrNameOnNode, relativePath, value } = attr;
      const attrValue = relativePath ? this.get(relativePath) || value : value;

      if (connection.node && attrNameOnNode && attrValue) {
        set(connection.node, attrNameOnNode, attrValue);

    connection.get('exponentialRampToValuesAtTime').map((opts) => {
      const time = currentTime + opts.endTime;
      connection.node[opts.key].exponentialRampToValueAtTime(opts.value, time);

    connection.get('linearRampToValuesAtTime').map((opts) => {
      const time = currentTime + opts.endTime;
      connection.node[opts.key].linearRampToValueAtTime(opts.value, time);

    connection.get('setValuesAtTime').map((opts) => {
      const time = currentTime + opts.startTime;
      connection.node[opts.key].setValueAtTime(opts.value, time);

    connection.get('startingValues').map((opts) => {
      connection.node[opts.key].setValueAtTime(opts.value, currentTime);

    return connection;

   * Meant to be passed to a function. Connects a Connection
   * instance's node to the next Connection instance's node.
   * @private
   * @method _wireConnection
   * @param {Connection} connection The current Connection instance in the
   * iteration.
   * @param {number} idx The index of the current iteration.
   * @param {array|Connection} connections The original array of connections.
   * @return {Connection} The input Connection instance after having it's node
   * connected to the next Connection instance's node.
  _wireConnection(connection, idx, connections) {
    const nextIdx = idx + 1;
    const currentNode = connection;

    if (nextIdx < connections.length) {
      const nextNode = connections[nextIdx];

      // Assign nextConnection back to connections array.
      // Since we're working one step ahead, we don't want
      // each connection created twice
      connections[nextIdx] = nextNode;

      // Make the connection from current to next

    return currentNode;