Uses: MusicalIdentity

A class that represents a musical note, but does not carry any audio data.

This class only makes sense when used in the context of a collection, as the only functionality it provides serves to facilitate identification.

Property Summary

Public Properties
: Number

Public Properties

For note Ab5, this would be b.
For note Ab5, this would be A.
Computed property. Value is ${letter} or ${letter}${accidental} if accidental exists.
For note Ab5, this would be 5.
Computed property. The frequency of the note in hertz. Calculated by comparing western musical standards (a standard piano) and the note identifier (i.e. Ab1). If this property is set directly, all other properties are updated to reflect the provided frequency.
Computed property. Value is ${letter}${octave} or ${letter}${accidental}${octave} if accidental exists. If this property is set directly, all other properties are updated to reflect the provided identifier.