
import Ember from 'ember';
import Sound from './sound';
import { zeroify } from 'ember-audio/utils';

 * Provides classes that are capable of interacting with the Web Audio API's
 * AudioContext.
 * @public
 * @module Audio

const {
} = Ember;

 * A class that represents a "track" of music, similar in concept to a track on
 * a CD or an MP3 player. Provides methods for tracking the play position of the
 * underlying {{#crossLink "AudioBuffer"}}{{/crossLink}}, and pausing/resuming.
 * @public
 * @class Track
 * @extends Sound
 * @todo move play override to _play so that all methods work
const Track = Sound.extend({

   * Computed property. Value is an object containing the current play position
   * of the audioBuffer in three formats. The three
   * formats are `raw`, `string`, and `pojo`.
   * Play position of 6 minutes would be output as:
   *     {
   *       raw: 360, // seconds
   *       string: '06:00',
   *       pojo: {
   *         minutes: 6,
   *         seconds: 0
   *       }
   *     }
   * @public
   * @property position
   * @type {object}
  position: computed('startOffset', function() {
    const startOffset = this.get('startOffset');
    const minutes = Math.floor(startOffset / 60);
    const seconds = startOffset - (minutes * 60);

    return {
      raw: startOffset,
      string: `${zeroify(minutes)}:${zeroify(seconds)}`,
      pojo: { minutes, seconds }

   * Computed property. Value is the current play position of the
   * audioBuffer, formatted as a percentage.
   * @public
   * @property percentPlayed
   * @type {number}
  percentPlayed: computed('duration', 'startOffset', function() {
    const ratio = this.get('startOffset') / this.get('duration.raw');
    return ratio * 100;

   * Plays the audio source immediately.
   * @public
   * @method play
  play() {
    this.getNodeFrom('audioSource').onended = () => this.stop();

   * Pauses the audio source by stopping without
   * setting startOffset back to 0.
   * @public
   * @method pause
  pause() {
    if (this.get('isPlaying')) {
      const node = this.getNodeFrom('audioSource');

      node.onended = function() {};
      this.set('isPlaying', false);

   * Stops the audio source and sets
   * startOffset to 0.
   * @public
   * @method stop
  stop() {
    this.set('startOffset', 0);

    if (this.get('isPlaying')) {
      this.getNodeFrom('audioSource').onended = function() {};

   * Sets up a `requestAnimationFrame` based loop that updates the
   * startOffset as `audioContext.currentTime` grows.
   * Loop ends when `isPlaying` is false.
   * @method _trackPlayPosition
   * @private
  _trackPlayPosition() {
    const ctx = this.get('audioContext');
    const startOffset = this.get('startOffset');
    const startedPlayingAt = this.get('_startedPlayingAt');

    const animate = () => {
      if (this.get('isPlaying')) {
        this.set('startOffset', startOffset + ctx.currentTime - startedPlayingAt);


export default Track;